
With personal trainer, Dee Mago, and author of Happy Naked, a straight-forward, five-senses guide to loving the skin you’re in and feeling that energy in every area of your life.

Your personal online fitness & health trainer

Basic Access

This is designed for someone like you that want to workout form home, very little equipment is required. 

The workout is designed that you can start without equipment and you also have the option to add weights to elastic bands as you want to up your game to level up your fitness.

What’s included:

  • Weekly custom workouts
  • Weekly motivation and inspirational messages

$24.97/Per Month

Building Healthy Knees

Joint issues is one of the most common issue that most people are experiencing these days from a random ache to chronic pain that stops you from participating in any physical activity.

The intention of this program is to create a low impact activities that will support your glutes and abs strength as well as building strength on your upper body at the same time.

All the exercises are designed to be done seated or on the floor which eventually with more stability can be done standing, will keep progressing from there.

This workout program is perfectly designed to:
1. Help you reduce inflammation and pain
2. Increase Mobility and Strength

The concept here is to work around your current limitations and ultimately build strength and mobility that will allow you to enjoy life fully.

What kind of equipment is required?

  • A Chair: where your legs can be at 90 degrees when seated.
  • Loop elastics, if you don’t have them, click here to order 
  • Elastic Bands, if you don’t have them, click here to order.

What’s included;

  • Custom workout program design using body weight, loop elastics and elastic bands
  • Ideas and suggestions that help your body to reduce inflammation
  • Bi-Weekly online coaching call

This program will help you to have your confidence back and feel super happy in your body by the time you are on your feet, hiking, walking, jogging perhaps.

$109.65/Per Month

Best value

Start-Up Plan - 100% accountability

This is program is designed for individuals like you that are just starting their fitness journey, the ones that want to feel naturally confident in their own body and need the extra push, encouragement, challenge to bring their health, fitness and performance in all areas of life including the bedroom to the next level, ready to up your game?
This is the complete foundation of your journey with full weekly accountability, communication to answer your questions as you need it.

What’s included?

  • Weekly coaching video conference on the DEE-5 based on the book “Happy Naked – Straight forward five sense guide to loving the skin you are in and feeling that energy in all areas of life”
  • Custom workouts every 4 weeks – working on your posture, fitness level and routines.
  • Nutritional support and recommendations: grocery shopping list and meals ideas as a guideline.

$259.35/per month

Best value

NakedFit - Bogo Deal

Custom Workout for two
Direct coaching on exercise, nutrition and daily habits
Accountability is key
Emotional healing as need it
Tracking: progress daily
Goal setting and tracking
Once a month call with Dee on Zoom for two
Happy Naked e-book and Lifestyle journal.
We need you to register just one person and once the profile is created, we will add the second person as we get your contact information.

$247.00/per month

Best value

Get Your Sexy Back

Let’s use Exercise IS MEDICINE!!! — Build Awesome Habits — Build the body you always desired! Get you out of your own way during quarantine.
This is the time for you to BURNT FAT, GET RID OF THE BELLY FAT
This program is divided in 3 parts:
WORKOUT schedule, reminder and making sure that it covers all areas that you need to lose body fat, build stretch, flexibility and agility TO GET THE ENERGY AND VITALITY YOU DESERVE
NUTRITION because you are what you eat! You will receive a grocery shopping list, meal plan ideas and much more.
Accountability, this is where you will GET SUPPORT FROM YOUR TRAINER and the community, by having biweekly group calls. You will also have access to communicate with your trainer directly if you have any specific question or concern that you want to share in private.
BUY NOW! – This program VALUE IS $147 a month,
Right now it is ONLY $99 CAD + GST 5%

$103.95/per month

Advanced Plan

Are you the one that is determined, driven, super active and need that push that will take you the next level with minimum coaching because you are already on your path?

Naked Naturally Program is designed for individuals that feel naturally confident in their own body and need the extra push, encouragement, challenge to bring their health, fitness and performance in all areas of life including the bedroom to the next level, ready to up your game?

What included?

  • Once a month 1-on-1 coaching over video conference on the DEE-5 based on the book “Happy Naked – Straight forward five sense guide to loving the skin you are in and feeling that energy in all areas of life”
  • Custom workouts every 6 weeks
  • Nutritional support and recommendations

$113.40/per month

Intermediate Plan - The push

Are you the one that knows what to do and still lacking of some motivation to get your health, fitness, confidence and intimacy to the next level?
Naked Fit Proud Program is designed for individuals like you that feel proud and confident being in your own skin and you need to be able to continue in your journey to feel naturally confident in your body. This program will encourage, motivate empower, challenge you to help you bring health, fitness and performance in all areas of life, are you ready to up your game!?

What’s included?

  • Twice a month coaching calls on the DEE-5 based on the book “Happy Naked – Straight forward five sense guide to loving the skin you are in and feeling that energy in all areas of life”
  • Custom workouts every 4 weeks
  • Nutritional support and recommendations

$147.00/per month


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